Monday, October 06, 2008


Saturday was a lovely day so I set aside my house cleaning for a few hours and rode my bike over to the river to do a little sketching. I've spared you the warm up sketches of miscellaneous fishermen/women and gone right to the heart of the matter. The fish were jumping and I mean that quite literally. I didn't see any being hauled in, but there must have been some terrific spawning going on judging by the way they were leaping into the air. I half expected to see some wearing togas and neckties tied around their heads with that kind of partying happening—no such luck though.

The lighthouse was the object of some news over the summer. The Coast Guard is no longer interested in maintaining the lighthouse because they have other equipment that is more up-to-date and convenient to navigation. However, they would still be interested in keeping the lighthouse going as a back up to their main systems. Huh!?! Yep, it's the old we-still-want-to-use-it-we-just-don't-want-to-pay-for-it routine. Haven't read anything about it in the Kenosha News since that cutting edge story broke, so I'm thinking they're still paying for it.

The main attraction on the water this weekend was a visit from the gaff rigged schooner, The Red Witch. The Red Witch normally berths along Navy Pier in Chicago, but she sailed up to Kenosha Thursday and stayed through Sunday. For a not-so-small fee, the average Joe could have a two hour sail. Contemplated it, but opted to sketch her from afar instead.

There is one key feature these two subjects share that is cogent to another project I'm working on—they are both red. I am currently in possession of Amy Mebberson's Moly ( One of these sketches will end up being my entry in her Moleskine.

1 comment:

dcpeg said...

Nice job, GIRL!! Your grandfather would have approved and I'm sure your Dad does, too.