Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Evening Sketch 1-12-11

My veeeeeerrrrry busy work day was drawing to a close, so I was on seeing what had transpired in the world while my nose was being scraped to bits on the ol' grindstone. Came across a Bob Green opinion piece, and ended up sketching part of the accompanying photo (couldn't find a photo credit, so I'm guessing Bob took the photo too).

Must admit, I didn't read much of the piece because the title lead to me believe it was going to be a retread of other articles of it's finger wagging ilk. What can I say? At the end of a busy day, I am frazzled and a bit cynical, and to make matter worse, I judged an article by its title. I did read a few of the comments, however, and they were loaded with enough vitriol to completely negate the idea that "we've" been "drawn together" at all.

A very sad business all around.

Thanks for stopping by...hopefully the next post will be a little more cheerful, but I make no promises.

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