Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh Well...

We had a good run of consecutive posts. I'm still determined to post (nearly) every day.

This weekend was the Chicago Boat Show. Somebody left it in the dryer too long because it has shrunk! This was the first time in a rather long time that I'd attended the show, but I was really surprised at how much smaller its become. There were a few really wonderful displays...a collection of classic wooden runabouts that could be viewed from above via a raised walkway. The love and attention put into restoring these boats was described on a placard next to each.

I spent quite a bit of time watching the waterdogs compete too. They were a scream! There were some owner/dog combos who were fit and trim for the competition and they put on a good show of proper commands, potential energy converting in a fuzzy explosion to kinetic energy, floating through the air stretched to reached the coveted toy, and culminating in a crowd pleasing splash and retrieval. I believe the winner jumped 24.5 feet!

And then there was the dachshund that thought it was a golden retriever. This little competitor quivered with all of the energy of the big dogs, ran the length of the platform with verve... and then slammed on the breaks before launching itself 4.5 feet out from the end of the platform to fetch its toy... too cute!

In between the boat show and a family dinner that evening, I had a bit of time to kill, so I found myself a cushy chair in the lounge area outside the Mix bar at the McCormick Hyatt and drew a bit. Here's a bit of the decor:

Thanks for stopping by!

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